
Training in BUSS®

We’re keen to work with individuals and organisations to train people in BUSS® so that more children and their families can benefit from the model. Training is delivered in Leeds or can be commissioned by organisations to be delivered locally. BUSS® is a relationally-based model and this is reflected in the training which has a balance of theory, practical activities and homework tasks to build skills and understanding.

There are different training pathways, depending on an individual’s core training / experience and the needs of an organisation.

The Introduction to BUSS® training day is delivered remotely. Level One and Level Two trainings are delivered both face to face and remotely, and Level Three training is delivered remotely.

If you are interested in commissioning bespoke training, please contact For information about upcoming training events, or to find a BUSS® training near you, please visit our upcoming events page.

All BUSS® training in the UK is overseen by Sarah Lloyd. No other training or accreditation in the BUSS® Model is approved or recognised by BUSS® Model Ltd. If you have any queries about this, please contact us on

Levels of Training

The Pathway to becoming an Accredited BUSS® Practitioner and the Pathway to becoming a BUSS® in Early Years LEAPlets Groupwork Practitioner can be seen below.


Course Overview

This one-day webinar provides an introduction to the BUSS® Model. Using teaching, small group discussion, sharing experiences of parents who have used the model with their children, some practical activities and the chance to hear about how BUSS® is being applied in different settings, participants will gain an understanding of the theoretical framework underpinning the model. They will also have the chance to try out some of the activities used in the model.

Learning Objectives

Who is this course for?

This day is aimed at professionals from health, education and social care, as well as adoptive parents, foster carers and special guardians. Following this day, participants may choose to progress to Level One training.

Fees and How to Apply

The course is £70 (plus VAT) per person for the one day training. This includes a copy of Sarah Lloyd’s book ‘Improving Sensory Processing in Traumatised Children’ (2016).

For details of upcoming training, please click here.

If you have questions, please contact our team at  

As well as the advertised events, the team are always happy to discuss commissioned training. Please contact us on

Introductory Webinar

Feedback from Attendees

‘The webinar was really accessible, passionate and I learnt a lot of the key information. A great scaffolded introduction to future embedding of learning’

‘I liked the balance of the direct teaching/presentation and the small group discussions (which were really well facilitated)’

‘I appreciated the warmth of facilitators, fascinating content, parent and children’s stories, general examples of practice and efficiency of presentation in technical terms’


Course overview

Level One training builds on the one day ‘Introduction to the BUSS® Model’ training.

It is designed to increase participants’ knowledge and understanding of the model, the key tenets of which are movement, playfulness and relationships. Using teaching, case studies, video, small group work and hearing from parents experienced in using the model, participants will develop their understanding of children’s motor development and learn how to make a hypothesis about the state of development of a child’s proprioceptive, vestibular and tactile functioning using this information.

By the end of Level One, participants should have an understanding of the sequential nature of motor development in the preschool child, taking into consideration the individual child and the environment that child is growing up in.

Participants should know what the critical stages of development are and how these form a platform for later development. Participants will also be beginning to understand the impact of critical stages being missed and how this impacts on the developing child.

Participants will be offered guidance on how to use the BUSS® screening tool with families to aid observation of how a child is moving.

There is an expectation that participants will use this framework to undertake observations of typically developing children between the day two and day three sessions, ready to reflect on these in group discussions.

After Level One training, delegates can enrol on our BUSS® in Early Years Groupwork training. Delegates who have a clinical or social work training (e.g. eligible for HCPC, BASW or equivalent) will be ready to move onto Level Two training,  which will support them to develop their skills in assessing the state of development of an individual child or young person’s foundation sensorimotor systems. 

Learning Objectives

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for anyone who has completed our Introduction to the BUSS® Model training. When working with organisations, we are keen to involve parents in training who are interested in becoming parent mentors, supporting the work of the team in delivering BUSS®. It’s best to discuss this prior to the training with Sarah Lloyd, on

If it has not been possible to attend a BUSS® introduction day, it may still be possible to attend the Level One training but some preparatory reading / discussion will be required.

This course is not suitable for participants wishing to develop skills in sensory integration therapy with children who have sensory processing disorders.

 Fees and How to Apply

The Level One training costs £600 (+ VAT) per person for the three day training.

For details of upcoming training, please click here.

As well as the advertised events, the team is always happy to discuss commissioned training. Please contact us on

Feedback from Attendees

‘A brilliant piece of training – I feel filled and re-enthused about making a difference. You’ve succeeded in conveying the material in an understandable but clinically stimulating way. Behind the comfortable ease with which you deliver this, I imagine there’s been a huge amount of time and effort spent – thank you for this’

‘Sarah is absolutely brilliant at explaining the theory and making analogies with real life examples to support our understanding. Time spent on the theory, I feel is essential to help us understand the reason behind the approach. It was fabulous to hear about the children and parents she has worked with, bringing the theory and practice to life.’

‘Absolutely a must for all practitioners working with children who have experienced trauma. Strongly practical and alternative early formulation involving thinking about underdeveloped sensory motor systems’


Course Overview

Level Two training builds on Level One and is the gateway to Level Three training to become an Accredited Practitioner. Participants must have attended the full three days of Level One and successfully completed the observations of typically developing children and the knowledge check before progressing to Level Two training.

This three-day training teaches participants how to work with families to undertake a BUSS® assessment with children and young people between 5-18 years. Using teaching, case studies, video, small group work and learning from parents and therapists experienced in using the model, participants will develop their skills in the administration of the assessment. To successfully complete Level Two training, participants will record themselves administering the BUSS® assessment with two typically developing children of different ages (5-18 years) between days 2 and 3. These days will be timed at least a month apart, but participants often find it helpful to identify suitable typically developing children for this assignment before enrolling on Level Two. To successfully complete the training, participants must show good fidelity to the model and an ability to reflect on their practise.

On completion of the Level Two training, practitioners can apply to Level Three training.


Learning Objectives 


Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for participants with a prerequisite core professional training in either Social Work, Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy or Child Psychotherapy. Participants must also have attended the Introduction to BUSS® webinar and successfully completed Level One BUSS® training.

The Level Two training is a step towards the supervised practicum stage of training to become an Accredited BUSS® Practitioner. If you have any queries or wish to discuss your application further, please get in touch with us at –

This course is not suitable for participants wishing to develop skills in sensory integration therapy with children who have sensory processing disorders.


Fees and How to Apply

The Level Two training costs £660 (+ VAT) per person for the three days of training.

For details of upcoming training, please click here.

As well as the advertised events, the team are always happy to discuss commissioned training. Please contact us on

Feedback from Attendees

‘I like the stepped approach of building on prior learning from each session. I found it very well structured to build understanding and confidence. Doing the videos and written work was very helpful to bring it all to life. I really liked that the third day of level 3 was devoted to what worked well and challenges of the homework as this all helped with retention/memory and also confidence. Hearing others’ challenges and successes was great learning’

‘I can really feel a big difference in my knowledge and understanding of BUSS developing across the different trainings (intro, level 1, level 2) and it has captured my interest in how much benefit it could bring to the families I work with each time. Definitely keen to continue on the BUSS journey!’

Course Overview

This is the supervised practicum part of the training. For teams, it’s usually helpful to have more than one person train at the same time, so they can support each other as they build their skills in assessment, designing programmes, evaluation and report writing. There will be opportunities within the Level Three training to follow up on relevant themes from Level One and Level Two trainings.

Working with practitioners’ own families, Level Three is a supervised skills based process that is designed to allow practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of the theory and practice of BUSS®. Communication about this intervention for families and other organisations is critical to the success of this intervention and training will be given in BUSS® report writing.

Supervision will be both individual and group based and paced according to the needs of participants. Participants who demonstrate, through their clinical work, report writing and reflection as well as their competence in assessment, intervention and reassessment using the BUSS® model with at least four different children / families with children of various ages between 4 and 18, will become BUSS® accredited practitioners if they continue to work in this way and have supervision with a BUSS® Accredited Supervisor. BUSS® Accreditation is a way to demonstrate competence and reliability as a BUSS® Practitioner. It is anticipated that this part of the training will take about a year to complete, but this can vary for individuals and organisations.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the training, participants will be able to demonstrate competency in:-


Who is the course for?

This course is suitable for all professionals working with children who have experienced developmental trauma who have completed Level One and Level Two. This includes participants from health, education and social care. 

This course is not suitable for participants wishing to develop skills in sensory integration therapy with children who have sensory processing disorders.

Fees and How to Apply

To enquire about fees and how to apply, please contact



Feedback from the Level Three Training

“Thank you all for your amazing support all the way through – the training and supervision is fantastic and so thoughtful. Honestly the best training I have done!”

– Aeron, Senior Occupational Therapist & BUSS® Level 3 Trainee

Course Overview 

Accredited BUSS® practitioners who are interested in developing their skills in their own practice in supporting other practitioners develop their skills in this way of working can work towards accreditation as a BUSS® Consultant. This comprises a combination of supervised practice and supervised supervision of BUSS® trainees. Further details are available on request. Please contact us on

Feedback on training

This will be the most valuable training you could ever do. Totally changed my thinking and understanding of the children I work with. The BUSS Model is the missing piece of the jigsaw and Sarah makes her incredible knowledge so accessible. One not to miss.

Amelia, Calderdale Virtual School team

"A fascinating much needed training. Really well delivered and balance of theory and real life experience."

Education Officer

"Laid out well and delivered at a good engaging pace"

Foster carer and Adoptive parent

"Very well explained- loved the use of analogies, good overview of theoretical underpinnings with practical strategies. Inspiring, Informative, and engaging"

Special Educational Needs Teacher

"Inspiring, excellent, and thought provoking. Loved how active the training session is. The videos were really helpful."

Clinical Psychologist

“How surprisingly easy it can be to make changes- very useful to try out activities and learn strategies.”

Adoptive parent

“It’s been a fantastic, thought provoking training – highlights simple techniques that can make such a huge qualitative difference to our children’s lives!”

Senior Social Worker

“It's been so interesting learning about the systems and being provided with tools on how to rebuild these systems”

Social Worker

“As a trainer, really engaging, doesn’t use jargon and makes sure info is accessible.”

Adoptive parent

"Trainer was fantastic- obvious to see she is very passionate about her job. Lots of knowledge and experience was shared"

Early Years Teacher

"Really liked how it linked back to real children. Also heartening how much these things we can do now can make a difference"

Adoptive Parent

“Very good content, the case studies were very useful, and will be very useful for my work”

Inclusion Support Worker

"It was fun! I most enjoyed the interactive parts of the day, and found the atmosphere to be friendly and relaxed throughout. Good use of metaphors and analogies, and videos throughout to aid explanations"


"Thank you all for your amazing support all the way through – the training and supervision is fantastic and so thoughtful. Honestly the best training I have done!"

Aeron, Senior Occupational Therapist & BUSS Level 3 Trainee

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